Hepraderp Aldent's - SeAT Discourse¶
Welcome to the SeAT Discourse documentation pages!
This SeAT-Package is based upon SPINEN's Discourse SSO for Laravel and extended with various functions to support eve online use cases and SeAT roles. Discourse is the leading free, open source application for moder web discussion forums. It is the very same forum that eve-online forum uses!
Table of Content¶
The Guide is mainly aimed for any herpaderps (like myself) that needs a step-by-step guide to install discourse and link it to SeAT. The second goal this guide tries to achieve is to convince others to use Discourse with SeAT. This Guide covers the following:
- Discourse installation
- Proxyserver configuration: Traefik or nginx
- SeAT-Discourse package installations
- Tips and tricks:
- Create dedicated admin user
If you like this package feel free to donate some ISK's to Herpaderp Aldent. If you have feedback, found some bugs or got a feature request. Feel free to open an issue on Github